This documentation aims to provide all the information you need to work with our API.
Authenticating requests
To authenticate requests, include an Authorization
header with the value "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}"
All authenticated endpoints are marked with a requires authentication
badge in the documentation below.
You can retrieve your token by visiting your dashboard and clicking Generate API token.
Order History
POST api/history-order
requires authentication
Example request:
curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data "{
\"orderCode\": \"laboriosam\",
\"postalCode\": \"12503\",
\"orderType\": \"C\",
\"deliveryType\": \"C\",
\"placedAt\": \"2023-12-15 16:45:26\",
\"marketplace\": \"skroutz\",
\"items\": [
\"id\": \"175\",
\"code\": \"S567446\",
\"name\": \"Product name\",
\"barcode\": \"1234567890123\",
\"brand\": \"BRAND\",
\"price\": 44.9,
\"paidPrice\": 35.95,
\"vatRate\": 24,
\"quantity\": 2
const url = new URL(
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
let body = {
"orderCode": "laboriosam",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "175",
"code": "S567446",
"name": "Product name",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$url = '';
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'json' => [
'orderCode' => 'laboriosam',
'postalCode' => '12503',
'orderType' => 'C',
'deliveryType' => 'C',
'placedAt' => '2023-12-15 16:45:26',
'marketplace' => 'skroutz',
'items' => [
'id' => '175',
'code' => 'S567446',
'name' => 'Product name',
'barcode' => '1234567890123',
'brand' => 'BRAND',
'price' => 44.9,
'paidPrice' => 35.95,
'vatRate' => 24,
'quantity' => 2,
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"orderCode": "laboriosam",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "175",
"code": "S567446",
"name": "Product name",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers, json=payload)
Example response (200):
Show headers
cache-control: no-cache, private
content-type: application/json
x-ratelimit-limit: 60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 57
access-control-allow-origin: *
"status": "success"
Example response (422):
"message": "Το πεδίο order code είναι υποχρεωτικό. (and 1 more error)",
"errors": {
"orderCode": [
"Το πεδίο order code είναι υποχρεωτικό."
"orderType": [
"Το πεδίο order type είναι υποχρεωτικό."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Tip: Check that you're properly connected to the network.
If you're a maintainer of ths API, verify that your API is running and you've enabled CORS.
You can check the Dev Tools console for debugging information.
POST api/history-orders
requires authentication
Example request:
curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data "{
\"orders\": [
\"orderCode\": \"accusantium\",
\"postalCode\": \"12503\",
\"orderType\": \"C\",
\"deliveryType\": \"C\",
\"placedAt\": \"2023-12-15 16:45:26\",
\"marketplace\": \"skroutz\",
\"items\": [
\"id\": \"doloremque\",
\"code\": \"dignissimos\",
\"name\": \"inventore\",
\"barcode\": \"1234567890123\",
\"brand\": \"BRAND\",
\"price\": 44.9,
\"paidPrice\": 35.95,
\"vatRate\": 24,
\"quantity\": 2
const url = new URL(
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
let body = {
"orders": [
"orderCode": "accusantium",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "doloremque",
"code": "dignissimos",
"name": "inventore",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$url = '';
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'json' => [
'orders' => [
'orderCode' => 'accusantium',
'postalCode' => '12503',
'orderType' => 'C',
'deliveryType' => 'C',
'placedAt' => '2023-12-15 16:45:26',
'marketplace' => 'skroutz',
'items' => [
'id' => 'doloremque',
'code' => 'dignissimos',
'name' => 'inventore',
'barcode' => '1234567890123',
'brand' => 'BRAND',
'price' => 44.9,
'paidPrice' => 35.95,
'vatRate' => 24,
'quantity' => 2,
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"orders": [
"orderCode": "accusantium",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "doloremque",
"code": "dignissimos",
"name": "inventore",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers, json=payload)
Example response (200):
Show headers
cache-control: no-cache, private
content-type: application/json
x-ratelimit-limit: 60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 56
access-control-allow-origin: *
"status": "success"
Example response (422):
"message": "Το πεδίο orders.0.orderCode είναι υποχρεωτικό. (and 1 more error)",
"errors": {
"orders.0.orderCode": [
"Το πεδίο orders.0.orderCode είναι υποχρεωτικό."
"orders.1.postalCode": [
"Το πεδίο orders.1.postalCode είναι υποχρεωτικό."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Tip: Check that you're properly connected to the network.
If you're a maintainer of ths API, verify that your API is running and you've enabled CORS.
You can check the Dev Tools console for debugging information.
POST api/history-completed
requires authentication
Example request:
curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json"
const url = new URL(
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$url = '';
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
import requests
import json
url = ''
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers)
Example response (200):
Show headers
cache-control: no-cache, private
content-type: application/json
x-ratelimit-limit: 60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 55
access-control-allow-origin: *
"status": "success"
Example response (422):
"message": "Έχετε ήδη ζητήσει ολοκλήρωση ιστορικού.",
"errors": {
"history": [
"Έχετε ήδη ζητήσει ολοκλήρωση ιστορικού."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Tip: Check that you're properly connected to the network.
If you're a maintainer of ths API, verify that your API is running and you've enabled CORS.
You can check the Dev Tools console for debugging information.
POST api/order
requires authentication
Example request:
curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data "{
\"orderCode\": \"incidunt\",
\"postalCode\": \"12503\",
\"orderType\": \"C\",
\"deliveryType\": \"C\",
\"placedAt\": \"2023-12-15 16:45:26\",
\"marketplace\": \"skroutz\",
\"items\": [
\"id\": \"175\",
\"code\": \"S567446\",
\"name\": \"Product name\",
\"barcode\": \"1234567890123\",
\"brand\": \"BRAND\",
\"price\": 44.9,
\"paidPrice\": 35.95,
\"vatRate\": 24,
\"quantity\": 2
const url = new URL(
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
let body = {
"orderCode": "incidunt",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "175",
"code": "S567446",
"name": "Product name",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$url = '';
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'json' => [
'orderCode' => 'incidunt',
'postalCode' => '12503',
'orderType' => 'C',
'deliveryType' => 'C',
'placedAt' => '2023-12-15 16:45:26',
'marketplace' => 'skroutz',
'items' => [
'id' => '175',
'code' => 'S567446',
'name' => 'Product name',
'barcode' => '1234567890123',
'brand' => 'BRAND',
'price' => 44.9,
'paidPrice' => 35.95,
'vatRate' => 24,
'quantity' => 2,
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"orderCode": "incidunt",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "175",
"code": "S567446",
"name": "Product name",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers, json=payload)
Example response (200):
Show headers
cache-control: no-cache, private
content-type: application/json
x-ratelimit-limit: 60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 59
access-control-allow-origin: *
"status": "success"
Example response (422):
"message": "Το πεδίο order code είναι υποχρεωτικό. (and 1 more error)",
"errors": {
"orderCode": [
"Το πεδίο order code είναι υποχρεωτικό."
"orderType": [
"Το πεδίο order type είναι υποχρεωτικό."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Tip: Check that you're properly connected to the network.
If you're a maintainer of ths API, verify that your API is running and you've enabled CORS.
You can check the Dev Tools console for debugging information.
POST api/orders
requires authentication
Example request:
curl --request POST \
"" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--data "{
\"orders\": [
\"orderCode\": \"vel\",
\"postalCode\": \"12503\",
\"orderType\": \"C\",
\"deliveryType\": \"C\",
\"placedAt\": \"2023-12-15 16:45:26\",
\"marketplace\": \"skroutz\",
\"items\": [
\"id\": \"numquam\",
\"code\": \"sit\",
\"name\": \"at\",
\"barcode\": \"1234567890123\",
\"brand\": \"BRAND\",
\"price\": 44.9,
\"paidPrice\": 35.95,
\"vatRate\": 24,
\"quantity\": 2
const url = new URL(
const headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
let body = {
"orders": [
"orderCode": "vel",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "numquam",
"code": "sit",
"name": "at",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => response.json());
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$url = '';
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'json' => [
'orders' => [
'orderCode' => 'vel',
'postalCode' => '12503',
'orderType' => 'C',
'deliveryType' => 'C',
'placedAt' => '2023-12-15 16:45:26',
'marketplace' => 'skroutz',
'items' => [
'id' => 'numquam',
'code' => 'sit',
'name' => 'at',
'barcode' => '1234567890123',
'brand' => 'BRAND',
'price' => 44.9,
'paidPrice' => 35.95,
'vatRate' => 24,
'quantity' => 2,
$body = $response->getBody();
print_r(json_decode((string) $body));
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"orders": [
"orderCode": "vel",
"postalCode": "12503",
"orderType": "C",
"deliveryType": "C",
"placedAt": "2023-12-15 16:45:26",
"marketplace": "skroutz",
"items": [
"id": "numquam",
"code": "sit",
"name": "at",
"barcode": "1234567890123",
"brand": "BRAND",
"price": 44.9,
"paidPrice": 35.95,
"vatRate": 24,
"quantity": 2
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
response = requests.request('POST', url, headers=headers, json=payload)
Example response (200):
Show headers
cache-control: no-cache, private
content-type: application/json
x-ratelimit-limit: 60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 58
access-control-allow-origin: *
"status": "success"
Example response (422):
"message": "Το πεδίο orders.0.orderCode είναι υποχρεωτικό. (and 1 more error)",
"errors": {
"orders.0.orderCode": [
"Το πεδίο orders.0.orderCode είναι υποχρεωτικό."
"orders.1.postalCode": [
"Το πεδίο orders.1.postalCode είναι υποχρεωτικό."
Received response:
Request failed with error:
Tip: Check that you're properly connected to the network.
If you're a maintainer of ths API, verify that your API is running and you've enabled CORS.
You can check the Dev Tools console for debugging information.